Country Keeper Key Basket

Designed by:

Kathern Smith

386 McDonald Chapel Rd.

Monroe, TN. 38573



Materials:                                                                                                 Dimensions:

                 5/8" Flat                                                                                                         Base: 8"

                 3/8" Flat                                                                                                         Height 6"

Handle:   8" X 13" Key

Rim:        1/2" Flat Oval

                 11/16" Flat

                 No. 3 Sea grass

Spokes:   5/8 Flat cut 7 @18"  Mark all spokes in center on rough side. Soak spokes:

               DO NOT SOAK HANDLE.

Base: Place all 7 spokes ,(evenly spaced) in the narrow slit above the key hooks. 

          (Since it is a wall basket. I start and end all rows of weaving on the back side of basket.)

             Bend spokes evenly , clothes pin together about halfway between base and top spoke.

              Lace first 2 rows before removing clothes pins.

Sides: 13 Rows 3/8" Flat

          Re-soak top of basket. Cut each outside spoke at a slant and tuck to the inside of basket.

          cut off inside spokes even with the top of basket.

Rim:    Measure and cut rim pieces from 1/2" Flat Oval, overlapping ends 3". Trim down overlap.

            Measure a piece of seagrass for filler. Lace with 3/16" Flat around basket.